Heel Pain

Heel Pain Wilmette, Evanston, and Skokie, IL area

Treatment for Heel Pain in Wilmette, IL

While heel pain can sometimes be managed with rest and proper home care, it’s also important that you don’t just ignore the problem. After all, many conditions responsible for heel pain such as plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis can get worse or become chronic if not properly cared for. So, when should you turn to our North Shore, Wilmette and Evanston, IL, podiatrist Gary Rogers, D.P.M to treat your heel pain?

You don’t know the cause

Maybe this is the first time you’ve ever dealt with a bout of heel pain. In this case, you may not even understand what might be causing your pain. So, how can you properly treat the problem when you don’t know what it is? Our goal as your North Shore, Wilmette and Evanston, IL podiatrist is to provide you with treatment that won’t just manage your symptoms but also treat the underlying cause. If you’re not sure what’s causing your heel pain then you should see a doctor for a diagnosis.

Heel pain is severe

If you are dealing with severe heel pain or even severe swelling of the heel, it’s a good idea to visit a foot doctor right away. While plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis-related heel pain can be rather uncomfortable, pain shouldn’t be so severe that it’s debilitating. If you experience heel pain even when sitting or resting then you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

You notice signs of infection

This is another reason to pick up the phone and call your podiatrist right away. The sooner you get treated for a foot infection the better. Do not ignore the infection or hope that it goes away on its own, as this can lead to serious health complications. If you are dealing with fever, redness, and skin that’s warm to the touch, these are all signs of an infection and they should be evaluated by a foot doctor.

Your heel pain persists for days

If despite proper rest, avoiding physical activities (especially high-impact exercises), taking pain relievers, your heel pain isn’t responding to home care after five days it’s also a good idea to see a podiatrist. Not providing your foot with the proper care it needs to heal now could lead to more serious issues in the future.

For persistent cases, Shock Wave Therapy ( EPAT) may be used. EPAT is a non-invasive treatment option that uses shockwave therapy to treat chronic forms of heel pain caused by tendonitis and plantar fasciitis, the two most common causes of chronic heel pain. EPAT technology targets the inflamed and damaged areas to trigger the body’s natural healing response to improve circulation and blood flow to the areas, regenerate healthy tissue, and speed up the healing process.

Contact Wilmette Foot and Ankle Clinic

For more information on Heel Pain in the North Shore, Wilmette and Evanston, IL areas call Wilmette Foot and Ankle Clinic (847) 256-4434!

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